Thursday, 13 September 2012


In last weeks lesson we looked at lighting and the different types of lighting. This diagram shows the different angles; back light, main light and fill light. As well as this there is a reflector which is like a piece of cardboard with tin foil in, this creates a summery, cheerful look. The fill light and back light together creates an overexposed look and the back light and main light creates a mysterious shadowy look. In our video we are going to be using very much natural light, we won't have to use much artificial lighting.

This video above is 'Give it away' by Red Hot Chili Peppers, this video is very interesting for looking at lighting. It uses fill light and back light to create an overexposed look; the video itself is black and white and therefore you can't see much natural light. The use of lighting creates dark and light patches on their bodies. This use of lighting creates a mysterious, moody yet upbeat atmosphere, it is a mixture and uses the lighting cleverly. It creates a vibrant, over the top look and makes the song seem lively and upbeat.

Hannah Culley

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